I enjoy helping photographers on their trip here. Obviously, any photographer will want to be taken to the sites with the best photographic subjects. I have worked with many of the world’s best photographers and can take you places that the best professionals seek out.
I help people at all levels with their underwater photography. For those beginning their new hobby, i start by explaining the basics of taking photos underwater. There is more to it than simply pointing and shooting! I enjoy seeing my repeat clients improve their skills and post their photos on Facebook and Instagram!!
Even photographers with some experience wish to take their skills to another level. I assist both above and below water! While underwater I help with composition, adjusting settings and strobes. In between dives, my clients and I often review the client’s photos and discuss any areas for improvement in technique. We also discuss photo editing possibilities.
I am sought out by some of the best underwater photographers in the word to assist with their diving in Bali. Apart from identifying locations and critters for subjects, I can assist with their equipment including aiming of snoots, setting up of tripods and other handling tasks. I know what I am doing, so I can be incredibly helpful.

Tulamben is recognised as one of the top macro destinations in the world. There are so many muck diving and macro sites. Critters include nudibranchs, shrimps and crabs of all kinds, frog fish, pygmy seahorses and many other seahorses.
In terms of wide angle, there are also great sites to visit, wreck dives (including the USS LIberty), huge hard and soft corals and fans, underwater temples and statues.